20th March 2020 Edition Two. In this edition: President's Message,
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust AGM POSTPONED. Covid -19, Corona Virus,
Anzac Day Service, Update on Seniors developments
Local Strategic Planning Statement,
Latest News from Hornsby Councillor Emma Heyde,
Latest News from Hornsby Councillor Vince del Gallego
Recent Development Applications.
Latest Police Reports.
Message from the President COVID-19 is affecting everyone in so many ways. What we are now experiencing is unprecedented, Since our 3rd March eNews the
situation has changed dramatically, and it’s unlikely to improve for
some time. I believe everyone is now receiving regular emails from
various establishments and social organisations advising us of
operational changes or cancellation of meetings. Following current
official health advice, the Trust’s planned AGM on Tuesday 31st March will not take place. Instead, the Trust committee has decided to defer the AGM until conditions improve. More
details are below and we really have no choice. It would not have been
in the public’s interest to hold a meeting and I anticipate that by the
end of March the Trust would then be prevented from holding a
meeting. There are now a number of official government websites
that provide you with the latest health information and they are listed
I have served as President of the BCCT for three years and I will
continue as President until we are able to hold our AGM. and elect a new
Please take care and be extra careful.
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust AGM 2020 –31st March 2020 - DEFERRED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Because
of COVID-19 the Trust has deferred the AGM till further notice. The
Trust, like other service organisations, is unable to forecast when the
AGM will be held.
Anzac Day Service at Beecroft – CANCELLED due to COVID-19. The
Beecroft community Anzac Day service was to commence at the
Cenotaph, corner of Wongala Crescent and Copeland Road east, at 3pm.
Saturday 25th April 2020. This event is now cancelled because of the Covid-19 virus.
Contact details John Simpson 0447 612 007
Update on some recent seniors development in Beecroft The
proposed seniors development at 47 Wongala Crescent Beecroft (DA
1029/2018 ) was, as reported In an earlier eNews, refused by Hornsby
Council and the applicant appealed to the Land and Environment Court.
The conciliation conference was held onsite three weeks ago. The Trust
objected to the proposal on a number of grounds including non-compliance
with wheelchair access requirements to the shopping centre. Council’s
solicitors wrote to the Trust on 9th March stating,
‘The conciliation conference between the parties was not successful
and was terminated by the Court. On Monday 4 March 2020, a Notice of
Discontinuance of these proceedings was filed by the Applicant. We
confirm that these proceedings are now finalised and will no longer
proceed before the Court.’
Some people recently commented about the white stakes with pink tape
located in the footpath in Wongala Crescent Beecroft. The
applicant proposed three zig zag concrete ramps spanning the full width
of the footpath in Wongala Crescent in an attempt to comply with the
planning regulations. The stakes were set out for the Court conference.
These zig zag walkways for wheelchairs can be intrusive in the street
landscape, presenting a dominant feature of concrete and hand rails. The
recently constructed Seniors Housing in Cardinal Avenue Beecroft
was required to construct such a structure at the corner of Cardinal
Avenue and Hannah Street.
Corner of Cardinal Avenue and Hannah Street
seniors housing at 6-8 Malton Road has attracted some more attention.
After being contacted by a concerned resident, the Trust met with
Hornsby Council’s senior planners to clarify the conditions of approval
issued by the LEC regarding the upgrading of the footpaths for
wheelchair access. Council agreed with the Trust that the developer has
to construct additional sections of the footpaths in order to comply
with wheelchair access to the bus stop.
The section of Sutherland Road footpath that requires upgrading for disabled access.
Councillor Emma Heyde's Latest Newsletter - March 16th The Trust's policy is that we will publish submitted newsletters from any of our elected representatives. CLICK HERE
Councillor Vince del Gallego Newsletter– March 13th The Trust's policy is that we will publish submitted newsletters from any of our elected representatives. CLICK HERE
Recent Development Applications The
Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust's Web Site now has links to recently
submitted Development Applications in the 2119 postcode area. This
page will be updated with every eNews publication. CLICK HERE To access them.
Latest Police Reports CLICK HERE
for the latest reports. Just a reminder that these reports are
regularly provided by the Ryde Police Area Command which includes the
entire suburbs of Beecroft & Cheltenham.
Annual Memberships for 2020 become due in March... CLICK HERE
Keep our two suburbs strong and informed by being a member!
To support or join the Beecroft Cheltenham Civic Trust, please visit our website. CLICK HERE.The
eNews has become our main method for disseminating information to the
community. Currently we have over 1090 email addresses. We
encourage residents who receive the eNews to tell their neighbours and
friends. The eNews letter is available to all who subscribe.
Trust Membership is not a requirement.
The eNews archives are available HERE. To subscribe to the eNews: CLICK HERE.The Trust has always had an unwritten policy to assist any resident regardless of their membership status.